Tabasco Sauce

A Brief History About Tabasco Sauce

Tabasco sauce was first produced during 1868 by Edmund McIlhenny in Louisiana. When he first made the sauce, he used cologne bottles to distribute the sauce to his family and friends. That same year, he decided to sell his tabasco sauce to the public, while still using cologne bottles. The company transferred from one McIlhenny to the next, and is ran by Paul McIlhenny today. Over the years, tabasco sauce itself hasn't really changed. The process in making it has been more industrialized and, in general, has seen an increase in quality, but other than that, the recipe is pretty much the same.

Fancy Tabasco




  1. Combine the peppers, garlic, onions, salt, and oil in a non-reactive saucepan over high heat
  2. Saute for 3 minutes, add water and continue to cook, stirring occasionally, for about 20 minutes, or until peppers are very soft and almost all of the liquid has evaporated
  3. Remove from heat and allow to steep until mixture comes to room temperature
  4. In a food processor, puree the mixture for 15 seconds, or until smooth. With the food processor running, add the vinegar through the feed tube in a steady stream
  5. Taste and adjust accordingly
  6. Strain the mixture through a fine mesh sieve and then transfer to a sterilized pint jar or bottle and secure with an airtight lid. Refrigerate. Let age at least 2 weeks before using